Best Student Paper Award in IEEE IGARSS 2024: 1rst et 3rd price for 2 TéSA PhD students!
In addition to having their papers accepted at IEEE IGARSS 2024, Marta Bottani (“A Statistical Method for Near Real-Time Deforestation Monitoring Using Time-Series of Sentinel-1 Images”) and Jihanne El Haouari (“Estimation of Instrument Spectral Response Functions Using Sparse Representations in a Dictionary”) were among the 10 finalists for the Best Student Paper Award, from 375 submissions… and they won 1st (Marta) and 3rd (Jihanne) prize!!!! A huge congratulations to both of them and great pride for TéSA!
Two best poster awards for TéSA
Congratulations to Hamish (left) and Marta (right) who won a best poster award, one at the European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) in Switzerland and the other at ESA-NRSCC (China) Dragon 5 2024 symposium in Portugal!
TéSA scientific seminar
As part of its “guest researchers” program, Daniel Medina, researcher at DLR (Germany) is at TéSA for one month. On this occasion, he presented us with a first seminar on High-Precision Satellite-based Navigation which interested a large audience. His next seminar will take place on July 5 at 2 p.m. on Robust Multi Sensor Fusion for State Estimation: if you would like to attend, please register by sending an email to contact at tesa dot prd dot fr
New co-president of the Scientific Committee
Laurent Ferro-Famil (right) from ISAE SUPAERO was elected to join the presidency of the Scientific Committee with Riadh Dhaou (left) from Toulouse INP /IRIT, to replace Antoine Blais (middle) from ENAC who completed his mandate… and remains in the Scientific Committeel of TéSA as ENAC representative.
Apply for a PhD in Safran on bayesian estimation of engine mechanical parameters
Codirection by Toulouse INP & ISAE-Supaero.
Details of the PhD subject: Inférence bayésienne pour l’estimation de paramètres mécaniques – appli données modales
For further information, send an email to .
12 TéSA papers accepted for EUSIPCO 2024!
The European signal and image processing conference EUSIPCO, bringing together more than 700 researchers in the field, will be held in Lyon in August this year and TéSA will be present in force: 12 papers have been accepted. Good job to everyone !
Two TéSA Phd students finalists in the Best Student Paper Award of IEEE IGARSS 2024
In addition to having their papers accepted at IEEE IGARSS 2024, Marta Bottani (“A Statistical Method for Near Real-Time Deforestation Monitoring Using Time-Series of Sentinel-1 Images”) and Jihanne El Haouari (“Estimation of Instrument Spectral Response Functions Using Sparse Representations in a Dictionary”) will be among the 10 finalists for the Best Student Paper Award, from 375 submissions. Many congratulations to Marta and Jihanne: having 2 TéSA papers among the 10 finalists is already quite a victory! There is no doubt that they will wear the TéSA colors loud and clear during this upcoming competition!
TéSA scientific seminar
No, it was not Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao who came to TéSA to tell us about his famous bounds (thanks Wikipedia for the picture), he unfortunately died in August 2023 at the age of 102 without having had time to visit us! But it was Sarah El Boulch, post-doctoral researcher at ISAE-SUPAERO who came to share with us the results of her work on “Hybrid and Modified Lower bounds for Discrete-time Markovian Dynamic systems“. Another very interesting seminar!
TéSA in the UTIAS² Forum
TéSA participated in the UTIAS² Forum (Uses of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in the Space Sector), organized by the COMET SIL of CNES on April 4 and 5, 2024 in Toulouse, with a presentation by Corinne Mailhes “AI in TéSA: Machine Learning, anomaly detection and more if affinities” and Léa Dubreil and Gastón de Boni Rovella who presented two posters on their PhD work. Two rich days with great presentations, great discussions… Well done to the organizers and looking forward to attending the session next year!
At TéSA, PhD students are prepared for their “post-PhD”
For 2 years now, Xavier Barichard has been supporting TéSA doctoral students in the final year of their doctoral PhD to prepare them for their future job interviews. Xavier has known TéSA for many years (previously, he was the Collins Aerospace representative, TéSA partner, in the TéSA Board of Directors). The preparation he offers is individual, adapted to each person, centered on self-knowledge to build your professional project and present yourself better to others. The feedback from doctoral students on this support is very positive, “a chance for TéSA doctoral students to have this type of attention” and there is no doubt that TéSA will continue its collaboration with XBcoaching.
7 boulevard de la Gare
31500 Toulouse