Cooperative research laboratory in Telecommunications for Space and Aeronautics

TéSA Team

TéSA Team is composed of permanent researchers and administrative staff

Our Members

Academic Associate Members & Partner Members

About TéSA

The TéSA cooperative laboratroy was created in 2004 as a non-profit association under the French Act of 1901, whose corporate purpose, enshrined in its articles, is to conduct research in the field of space and aeronautical telecommunications and related fields, providing an expertise in digital communications, signal and image processing, and networks.

New academic, industrial or institutional members are welcome!

Our values

Progress of knowledge

Expand state of the art frontiers and explore new avenues


Federate research partners for customer benefit


Ease project setup and adapt as customer objectives evolve


Work together, share everything


Best Student Paper Award in IEEE IGARSS 2024: 1rst et 3rd price for 2 TéSA PhD students!

In addition to having their papers accepted at IEEE IGARSS 2024, Marta Bottani (“A Statistical Method for Near Real-Time Deforestation Monitoring Using Time-Series of Sentinel-1 Images”) and Jihanne El Haouari (“Estimation of Instrument Spectral Response Functions Using Sparse Representations in a Dictionary”) were among the 10 finalists for the Best Student Paper Award, from 375 submissions… and they won 1st (Marta) and 3rd (Jihanne) prize!!!! A huge congratulations to both of them and great pride for TéSA!

TéSA scientific seminars

As part of its “guest researchers” program, Daniel Medina, researcher at DLR (Germany) is at TéSA for one month. On this occasion, he presented us on June 14 with a first seminar on High-Precision Satellite-based Navigation and a second one on July 5  on Robust Multi Sensor Fusion for State Estimation, both of which interested a large audience.

Two best poster awards for TéSA

Congratulations to Hamish (left) and Marta (right) who won a best poster award, one at the European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) in Switzerland and the other at ESA-NRSCC (China) Dragon 5 2024 symposium in Portugal!

New co-president of the Scientific Committee

Laurent Ferro-Famil (right) from ISAE SUPAERO was elected to join the presidency of the Scientific Committee with Riadh Dhaou (left) from Toulouse INP /IRIT, to replace Antoine Blais (middle) from ENAC who completed his mandate… and remains in the Scientific Committeel of TéSA as ENAC representative.

Apply for a PhD in Safran on bayesian estimation of engine mechanical parameters

Codirection by Toulouse INP & ISAE-Supaero.
Details of the PhD subject: Inférence bayésienne pour l’estimation de paramètres mécaniques – appli données modales

For further information, send an email to .

12 TéSA papers accepted for EUSIPCO 2024!

The European signal and image processing conference EUSIPCO, bringing together more than 700 researchers in the field, will be held in Lyon in August this year and TéSA will be present in force: 12 papers have been accepted. Good job to everyone !

Also on TéSA website



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7 boulevard de la Gare
31500 Toulouse


Thales Alenia Space
Collins Aerospace
Toulouse INP
IMT Atlantique